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To remain competitive, construction companies are going digital. From design to project management, the construction industry is embracing technology, especially in a highly competitive marketplace.
One such area of digitisation, that is becoming more common, is online site safety inductions. Instead of contractors being huddled in a room spending hours listening to induction information, that, many have heard before. They can now complete site-specific inductions online; providing contractors with relevant safety information that can be completed off site.
So, let’s look at why construction companies are moving away from traditional face-to-face inductions to their digital counterparts – online inductions.
1. Efficiency
Efficiency is paramount to success. Statistics support this notion, too: a strong induction process can improve productivity by over 70%.
So how does this relate to construction? By completing inductions online, prior to arriving on site, contractors are work ready when then arrive; saving them, and the company, time.
Site managers don’t have to repeat information to contractors that arrive at various times – day and night. And for health and safety managers they can find induction information at a click of a button.
2. Financial Savings
Financially, online inductions make sense too. So, let’s look at the numbers.
For as little as £2.60 a day, cheaper than the price of a morning coffee, companies can run online inductions. But what really makes the difference is the savings.
An example of just how much online inductions can save companies, is illustrated in the saving that GetOnSite (us!) made for our clients in 2020. We saved our clients £41,000 of site managers’ costs, and an incredible £370,000 of inductees’ costs – that is almost half a million pounds in savings in one year alone through online inductions.
By changing to online inductions, companies can save both time and money. If a site manager spends two hours a week doing site inductions, a company can save approximately £60 per week by moving the inductions online instead.
3. Controlling Quality
Ensuring a consistent safety message on site is hugely important for the welfare of the entire team. So how do online inductions aid this process?
Induction information can be checked at site and at group level. Key company safety videos and information can be uploaded to all inductions to complement site specific information. And all online inductions are fully auditable. Eliminating the need to look though paperwork, that could get lost or damaged.
4. Reducing Risk Factors
Some hazards are unavoidable on site, but they can be managed, mitigated and communicated to site teams.
So how do online inductions reduce these factors?
With the right induction platform, site managers can notify contractors instantly of any changes to the site information, asking them to recomplete their induction. keeping them safe from any potential hazards. An automated system is much quicker and more reliable than word-of-mouth or emailing.
Most online inductions platforms have a robust validation system, meaning that only operatives that have successfully completed their induction are allowed on site.
There are multiple benefits of online inductions over face-to-face inductions, and just a few have been discussed here. Speak to one of our experts about more ways that online inductions can benefit you on 01285 77 00 11, or book a free demo here.
3 min read