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Firstly, what does mitigating risks involve? Well, here at GetOnSite, we define it as clarifying that operatives have completed and understood their health and safety induction and met compliance with induction logs.
One of the most important features of any induction is ensuring that you are looking after your operatives.
But how can you ensure that you are doing this efficiently if the induction is online? Read on to find out!
Okay, we’ll start with paper inductions and explain our reasoning behind it.
Say you have 100 operatives to induct on a site. Not a problem, right? Wrong. If you have 100 inductees, that means you have to make sure that all 100 inductions are done correctly. And this requires a lot of time and effort.
And more so, that means room for human error.
Wouldn’t it be great to eliminate this element? Yes, of course it would! And you know what? You can!
By changing to online inductions, you can let the software do the hard work. Obviously you’re still in the loop and have the ultimate final say, but with GetOnSite’s online induction platform, you can see where operatives may have made a mistake, and you can make sure that they go back and understand their induction fully.
Good question. Fortunately, we have an answer for that.
Our online induction platform has a health and safety log, where you can check operatives’ records, and see how they have done on the induction.
You can also see which questions that they have answered incorrectly (if any), and can ensure that they go back and give the correct answer before they officially complete the induction.
This is also particularly relevant on a construction site. For instance, hazards are unavoidable on a construction site, and moreover, these hazards can change and develop depending on the evolution of the construction site itself.
For instance, a hazard may develop as more work is being undertaken. This is the role of an auditor on a site, and they look at how to manage these risks. In addition, site inductions are another way in which these hazards can be explained to contractors and visitors alike. Auditors will look upon these inductions favourably, particularly if they are managed pro-actively.
Fortunately, with GetOnSite’s platform tools, companies can confirm that contractors have completed and understood their inductions, and can also notify contractors, should they need to recomplete an induction due to any changes on site.
And don’t just take our word for it: if you would like to know more about the platform book a short 30 minute demo of the platform below.
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