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We all know how frustrating it is when you spend all day on a task with little to show for it by the time you clock out.
And this can be a particular problem for site managers who are required to take care of manual inductions – they can easily spend all day undertaking inductions, and not getting any other work done.
Outlined below are just 3 of the main ways that the GetOnSite platform can help you to increase productivity on site.
We have saved time by going online with our inductions. Previously, completion of our inductions was face-to-face and could be a long process.
Helen Robinson, HR Manager, Rainham Industrial Services
Saving time is always a huge advantage when it comes to being on site – after all, there are only so many hours in the day that we can achieve our objectives, so if we can save time and move onto something else quicker than we thought – that’s only a bonus!
And saving time goes hand in hand with increasing productivity, as you can get more done in the same amount of time. Many of our clients have found that they have saved enormous amounts of time, some even up to 15 hours per week.
By saving the time you previously spent on undertaking inductions, you can now put it to good use elsewhere, and devote that time to increasing your productivity in another area on site that previously you would not have been able to do.
How many times have you been on site, geared up and ready to work, and then all of a sudden, another induction is sprung upon you?
Then you find yourself sitting in a cramped temporary office space, going through page after page of paperwork, only to look at the clock and find out you’ve lost half a day doing an induction!
Sound familiar?
Well, it doesn’t have to anymore! Being taken away from your main objectives and being distracted by an induction can be eliminated by going online with GetOnSite’s platform.
It’s in the best interests of site managers too – they can see that all contractors are achieving their RAMs as well as understanding their specific tasks, simply by checking the contractors’ log feature on our online platform.
Being able to cut out the risk of human error is a huge advantage of online inductions, and it can help you to increase your productivity too.
For example, it’s only natural that a bit of paperwork will end up incorrectly filed, or lost, or accidentally recycled, and then the induction will have to be undertaken again.
And as a result of that issue, someone then has to spend their time either retaking an induction, or searching for a bit of lost paperwork – wasting their time and yours.
However, if you eliminate this element by doing an online induction – which will be completed prior to a contractor arriving on site, and a site manager will have access to the contractors’ logs – you help to increase productivity for both site managers and contractors, who can spend their time focussed on their main tasks and objectives for the day.
3 min read