News and Insights
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During October, HSE will be undertaking site inspections throughout the UK. The purpose of the initiative is to support HSE’s continuing strategy to improve the health of construction workers.
So, we wanted to take this opportunity to check – how can online inductions help with audits and how can they help keep your workers safe on site?
Information can be accessed at a touch of a button
Thankfully the days of searching through filling cabinets looking for induction information is long gone. Using an online induction platform such as GetOnSite you can show inspectors a concise audit trail of which operatives have completed an induction and when, all at a touch of a button.
Mitigation of risks and flagging important issues
Some hazards are unavoidable on site, but they can be managed, mitigated and communicated to all operatives. Using an online induction platform enables you to manage your communication to operatives and visitors of the hazards on site. Updated inductions can be re-issued at any time so site managers can be confident that contractors have current information of any hazards on site.
Secure data storage
With GetOnSite’s online induction platform companies can capture and view critical information in emergency situations such as medical and next of kin contract details. There is no need to duplicate paper-records, and records are stored securely in the cloud; showing auditors accurate records are being kept securely. Historical records are kept and can be accessed if needed.
Robust validation
Being able to demonstrate to an inspector that a contractor has understood a face-to-face induction can be difficult. With an online induction such as GetOnSite, correctly completed inductions generate an access code to prove operatives have successfully completed their induction. Any incorrectly answered questions will be flagged, for site managers to review when a contractor begins works on site, helping to prove inductions are taken seriously and are not just a tick-box exercise.
“Feedback from health & safety consultants and auditors is really positive, as they can find the information they need at the click of a button. We are very happy with the GetOnSite system and would recommend it to anyone in the building sector.” John Lewis, Henstaff.
Online inductions cannot stop hazards but can mitigate health and safety risks by providing robust record keeping, clarification of understanding and a solution to inconsistent safety messages during a site induction. They also help save time and money as they remove the hidden costs of inducting every new contractor and visitor that arrives on site. To see how they could help you try a free demo
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