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Have you joined the digital revolution?

How tech companies like GetOnSite are helping businesses covert from old manual practices to new digital ones?

It’s really not surprising that 66% of construction management companies surveyed by Procure Technologies have rolled out some sort of new technology during lockdown, with 94% seeing an improvement in their teams work as a result.

So how are tech companies like GetOnSite helping the industry to covert from old manual practices to new digital ones?


Reduce risks

construction site manager working on a lap top

Using a digital software system to induct contractors reduces the risks of COVID-19 transmission. No need to pass pens, documents or ID cards. Again, one less problem for site managers to think about.

One data storage points

Access medical record, next of kin contact details and qualifications quickly and easily. Did I mention, one less problem…

Increase productivity

With construction sites reporting a significant drop in productivity, using a system like GetOnSite can save approx. £15K per year! Now that is something to think about!

Solving problems, saving money and increasing productivity. That is why going digital is the future in construction.

To speak to one of our induction specialist and book your free 30 day trial click here.


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