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Are you ready to run your event post lockdown?

Thanks to digital innovations and savvy tech developers, event organisers are finding new ways to host their events virtually.

But what happens as we start to slowly come out of lockdown? Will live events return with a bang? Will there be an appetite to return to mass gatherings? How can organisers socially distance not only their audience, but their performers, crew and staff?

There are certainly lots of unknowns, but what is almost certain is the stricter safety and contingency measures that the event sector will have to put in place.

How to mitigate risks at live events

Many of our clients are using this unusual free time to plan for post lockdown; predicting new regulations and looking at ways in which digital solutions can help protect them in the future. They are looking at new operating procedures such as limiting capacity and zoning areas – but all of these literally come at a cost. The biggest question is how to put an event back on that’s financially viable, safe AND still a great experience. Festival goers at an event

We believe collaboration is key to finding the solution. To start with, of course our clients can be safe in the knowledge they can induct their crew remotely and completely online, so that’s one less thing for them to worry about when we return to a new ‘normal’. But the feedback is that they must also consider the long term, and look at ways digital technology can help them not only during the event, but to draw up contiguous measures if another outbreak of COVID-19 occurs.

While we can’t solve all the problems for our clients in the event sector, and don’t have all the answers as government guidelines are evolving, we can make them a promise that we will be onboard when they need us to be and our contactless solutions are ready.

We have confidence in the return of live events soon, confidence in our clients, and confidence we can help them back on site as soon as it’s safe to do so!

If you would like to discuss how to mitigate risk at your event, get in touch with the induction experts at GetOnSite.

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